• Səhiyyə Nazirliyi İctimai Səhiyyə və İslahatlar Mərkəzi tərəfindən (İSİM) hazırlanan mobil tətbiqlər
  • Səhiyyə Nazirliyi İctimai Səhiyyə və İslahatlar Mərkəzi tərəfindən (İSİM) hazırlanan mobil əlavələr
  • Səhiyyə Nazirliyi İctimai Səhiyyə və İslahatlar Mərkəzi tərəfindən keçirilən hekayə müsabiqəsinin qalibləri elan olunub
  • Səhiyyə Nazirliyi Füzuli şəhərində məktəbyaşlı uşaqlar üçün sağlam həyat tərzinin təbliğinə həsr olunan maarifləndirici aksiya keçirib
  • Səhiyyə Nazirliyi İSİM-in hazırladığı “Sağlam uşaq” internet portalı və mobil tətbiqi istifadəyə verilib
  • 14 noyabr – Ümumdünya Diabet Günü ilə bağlı aksiya keçirilib
  • Akademik Zərifə Əliyevanın 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş aksiya keçirilib
  • İctimai Səhiyyə və İslahatlar Mərkəzində Uşaq Günü qeyd olunub
  • 14 iyun – Ümumdünya Qan Donoru Gününə həsr olunmuş aksiya keçirildi
  • Akademik Zərifə Əliyevanın 100 illik yubileyinə həsr edilmiş tədbir və “Göz həkimi” tamaşasının nümayişi oldu



1 – 4 NOVEMBER 2017



Abstract submission is open until 1 May 2017. Abstracts are invited for workshops, oral presentations, pitch presentations and E-posters. Prizes will be awarded for the best oral, poster and early career professional’s presentation. Do not miss the opportunity to be recognised for your hard work.

Abstract submission does not have to be confined to the conference themes. Abstracts and workshop proposals can be submitted here.


For the first time, EPH Conference and EUPHAnxt introduce an Abstract Mentor Programme providing an opportunity for young and/or less experienced abstract submitters to receive feedback from experienced reviewers. The programme is especially targeted at researchers who have limited access to colleagues to ask for guidance and comments on their proposed abstracts. More information here


The theme for the 10th EPH Conference is ‘Sustaining resilient and healthy communities’. Many European countries face the challenge of organising health care in a more sustainable manner. Austerity measures threaten the provision of high quality and equitable care. Innovative solutions are needed to contribute to a sustainable service provision. Many countries are looking for solutions that achieve a better design of services throughout the entire chain of care, including public health and prevention. Strengthening of people-centred health systems and public health capacity, including preparedness and response capacity for dealing with emergencies, is high on the agenda of countries, with new approaches and innovations for better health and health equity.

Subthemes of the conference are:

§  Sharing our common wealth- efficiency and equity trade-offs in welfare policies

§  Winds of change: from public to private, from collective to individual. How can public health systems adapt to a changing world?

§  Public health in a globalized world: is Europe ready for the challenges?

§  Health systems under pressure: ageing and migration challenging principles of human rights and solidarity

§  Planetary boundaries and health: how do they interact?


Registration for the 10th EPH Conference opens 1 April 2017. We are expecting over 1,500 delegates. Don’t miss the largest public health event in Europe and register early to benefit from the reduced rates. Registration fees are announced shortly on our website.


The 10th EPH Conference is held in the modern Stockholmsmässan, only a short ride by train from the centre of Stockholm.

The European Public Health Conference Foundation, the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the Swedish Association of Social Medicine are pleased to invite you to the 10th European Public Health Conference.