Educational meeting on "Let's fight against drug abuse, tobacco and other bad habits!" held at secondary school | İСTİMAİ SƏHİYYƏ və İSLAHATLAR MƏRKƏZİ

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24 MAY 2018

Educational meeting on "Let's fight against drug abuse, tobacco and other bad habits!" held at secondary school

Public Health and Reforms Center (PHRC) of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan continues educational measures on protecting the health of population. The next meeting was held at full secondary school No. 46 on May 22, 2018.

Methodist Physician of PHRC Latafat Dadashova made a presentation on "Let's fight against drug abuse, tobacco and other bad habits!".  She discussed bad habits and their negative impact on human's' health and warned about serious consequences might be arisen in the future. 

 According to the speaker, bad habits, especially cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causes many diseases as chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs), cardiovascular diseases and negatively impacts unripe mentality of youth.

According to L. Dadashova, regular physical activity improves the quality of daily life, develops a sense of responsibility, increases ability to manipulate senses and provides flexibility. “Sport removes distraction. That’s why mainly many among children engaged in sports are far from cigarettes, drinks, and narcotics,” she said.

The meeting also had provided a way to exchange opinions, ideas of pupils about this problem. 

The full text of the news is available in Azerbaijani language.