Event themed “Protection of reproductive health, consequences of early marriages" was held | İСTİMAİ SƏHİYYƏ və İSLAHATLAR MƏRKƏZİ
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1 APRIL 2024

Event themed “Protection of reproductive health, consequences of early marriages" was held

On April 1, 2024, Public Health and Reform Center (PHRC) of the Ministry of Health, the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan have jointly organized an educational event.

The event organized for the students and teachers of the Musical College under the Azerbaijan National Conservatory was devoted to the theme "Protection of reproductive health, consequences of early marriages".

The event was held in order to promote a healthy lifestyle, educate the new generation about reproductive health and family planning.

Addressing the event deputy head of the Training-resource department of PHRC Parvin Guliyeva made a presentation and pointed out that, early marriages pose a serious threat to health.

Detailed information on the psychological, physiological, spiritual and socio-economic consequences of early marriages and marriages between relatives was given within the frame of the event.

Then, educational materials prepared and printed by PHRC were presented to the participants.

The full text of the news is available in Azerbaijani language.