Trainings on clinical protocols held | İСTİMAİ SƏHİYYƏ və İSLAHATLAR MƏRKƏZİ
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  • “Narkomaniyaya yox deyək!” mövzusunda hekayə müsabiqəsinin qalibləri elan olunub

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29 MARCH 2024

Trainings on clinical protocols held

Trainings on clinical protocols were organized in various medical institutions by the Public Health and Reforms Center (PHRC) of the Ministry of Health. The trainings held in Baku polyclinics No. 21 and No. 44, Mashtaga Hospital of Sabuncu Medical Center were conducted by the head of Medical Quality Standards the Department of PHRC Billura Yusifova.

The purpose of the trainings was to familiarize physicians with clinical recommendations based on evidence-based medicine principles for providing medical care in any disease, syndrome, clinical condition, or clinical situation.

Besides, clinical protocols prepared and printed by PHRC were distributed to medical workers.

The full text of the news is available in Azerbaijani language.