Director of PHRC joins conference in Estonia | İСTİMAİ SƏHİYYƏ və İSLAHATLAR MƏRKƏZİ
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18 DECEMBER 2023

Director of PHRC joins conference in Estonia

Director of the Public Health and Reforms Center Gahraman Hagverdiyev attended Tallinn Charter 15th Anniversary Health Systems Conference: Trust and transformation – resilient and sustainable health systems for the future: outcome statement. The conference was organized by WHO Regional Office for Europe on 12-13 December, 2023 in Tallin, Estonia.

Healthcare managers and organizers of the most European countries and former USSR countries, heads of large medical centers, scientists participated in the conference. Speaking at the plenary session, director of PHRC gave detailed information about the work done within the frame of the socio-economic policy implemented in Azerbaijan in recent years.

At the end of the Conference its outcome documents - defining new goals for the development of healthcare in the European region were adopted.