Ministry of Health organizes educational campaign on healthy lifestyle in Fuzuli city | İСTİMAİ SƏHİYYƏ və İSLAHATLAR MƏRKƏZİ
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24 FEBRUARY 2024

Ministry of Health organizes educational campaign on healthy lifestyle in Fuzuli city

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan continues to promote a healthy lifestyle among the citizens relocated to the territories freed from occupation within the framework of the State Program for the “Great Return to the Territories Freed from Occupation", which is one of the main priorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

On February 23, 2024, Public Health and Reforms Center (PHRC) of the Ministry organized an educational event and campaign dedicated to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle for school-aged children and their parents in Fuzuli city.

Representatives of the center made presentations on "Health protection", "Healthy lifestyle" and other topics.

School-aged children were informed on importance of choosing a healthy lifestyle from an early age, being physically active every day and eating healthy for the comprehensive development.

It was emphasized that, the importance of purposeful educational measures conducted in our country and healthy development of the young generation are always in the center of attention.

Detailed information about internet portal and its mobile application prepared and used by PHRC of the Ministry of Health was given to the participants.

It was reported that, the portal intended for students, teachers and parents contains useful information, educational materials, videos and interactive games related to the health protection.

Paintings depicting the consequences of harmful habits were exhibited and healthy lifestyle was widely promoted after educational campaign.

Furthermore, an interactive quiz on a healthy lifestyle was organized among the students for the purpose of strengthening acquired knowledge. As part of the event, participants of the action were presented with gifts promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The event and campaign brought together about 300 students, teachers and parents.

Note that, educational activities and examination actions are planned to be held continuously in other territories freed from occupation by the Ministry of Health.

The full text of the news is available in Azerbaijani language.